FSB in the Community
FSB Volunteering
The Farmers State Bank is committed to promoting the culture of volunteering back into our community. The Board supports this culture by allowing employees to volunteer during Bank hours, up to three hours per quarter.
This initiative not only benefits our community, it also provides FSB's employees with an opportunity to grow through volunteering and to gain the satisfaction of contributing to their community.
2024Volunteer and Community Involvement Statistics:
- 410.5 Employee Volunteer Hours
- $18,180.31 Given Back to the Community
- $3,289 In Supporting Local Schools
- 54Community Sponsored Events
- $850 Given to Memorials
- 10 Essential Bags Donated to the Jackson County Christmas Bureau
- $1,000 Scholarship Awarded to Local Students
E.L.F. (Employee Love Fund)
The Farmers State Bank established the Employee Love Fund (E.L.F.) as a way to encourage employee participation in raising money for community needs. Money is raised throughout the year with fun promotions such as '$5 Friday's jeans day', silent auctions or free-will luncheons and bake sales. Monthly promotions are encouraged, as well as seasonally themed events. All promotions are geared to make raising money fun!
Annual events, such as Lisa's Legacy and the Jackson County United Way have been beneficiaries of money raised, as well as special needs that come up in the community. Donations have gone to help restock the local food bank, as well as purchasing 'Essential Bags' and toys for the Jackson County Christmas Bureau. Community organizations are encouraged to share their needs with an employee of the Bank.
Employees at The Farmers State Bank take great pride in the community in which they live. The E.L.F. project has been a successful way for them to give back; to a community that gives them so much.
Being Involved
2024 Holton Community Hospital Uncorked Fundraiser!
2023 Jackson County Parade
Back to School Treats! Supporting our Local Schools and Staff!
Supporting Holton Golf Teams!
Volunteering at Holton High Schools Reality U!